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The Categories of Ceramic Capacitor(2.Alternating

Published:2018-06-15 16:27:51Click to rate:

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This article introduces the alternating current ceramic capacitor.
There are several types of ceramic capacitor with rated mark of alternating voltage. The usual one type is Y capacitor. Y capacitor divides into two kinds, they are Y1 and Y2.Y1 capacitor is ceramic disc capacitor that with rated voltage of 400VAC, while Y2 capacitor is with 250VAC.
Y capacitor is connected to input wire and ground wire and used for eliminate common mode interferences. The differences are not only for the voltage Y1 belong to double insulation, used to cross connection after secondary side to, and Y2 belongs to single insulation, used to cross after another side to and landlines, namely FG line.
The application of Y capacitor is quite wide, like for supply, electrical machine, mechanical equipments, etc.
Y capacitor is safety capacitor, so it certainly has all the safety approvals. Generally, Y capacitor has at least 10 safety approvals.
Except Y capacitor, we have other types of AC ceramic capacitor, for example, CCG81 plate ceramic capacitor or named high power ceramic capacitor, high frequency capacitor. This type of capacitor is high voltage capacitor, special capacitor. High power ceramic capacitor has sole function, it is mainly used for hot machine, high frequency machine, e.g., high frequency texitile drier machine. The representative picture shows the CCG81 capacitor.
Surely, some industrials require high voltage ceramic capacitor that use in alternating voltage. For instance, high voltage ceramic capacitor mandrel (Alive displaying device capacitor, capacitor for indoor H.V. alive displaying device indicator, sensor capacitor mandrel, sensor device capacitor, indicator capacitor, sensor rods capacitor) clearly is marked the AC voltage.
Alive displaying device capacitor, capacitor for indoor H.V. Alive displaying device indicator, sensor capacitor mandrel, sensor device capacitor, indicator capacitor, sensor rods capacitor

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